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Want To Hear More Tunes,

and be entered to win
Waking F
innegan's upcoming album?


If your answer is "hell yeah," then



1. Pick a gift amount*

2. Click its green pay button to submit your gift

3. Upon receipt, instantly be entered for a chance to win Waking Finnegan's upcoming album

Last, pat yourself on the back for being a rock star
and eagerly anticipate the release date!

(You could also check out where the band will be next or scope out the Merch.)

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Thanks for supporting the music. You rock!

* I UNDERSTAND that Waking Finnegan is a for-profit entity and I ACKNOWLEDGE that my monetary gift is not tax deductible.

Promotion Overview: We appreciate your support. Any gift amount you submit is eligible to (and will) enter you into the drawing for a chance to win a free digital download of the entire Waking Finnegan album upon its release. Estimated release date is June 2023. Winner will be notified by email on or around June 15, 2023. No Purchase Is Necessary To Enter Or Win. A Purchase Does Not Increase The Chances Of Winning. To read the complete promotion details, click here.

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